NORTH BAY -- They’re only here for a couple of weeks, but shad flies have returned and are in full force.

Travelling through the city’s downtown or near the waterfront, you’re almost guaranteed to step on a fly or have one -- or several -- land on you.

The Boat, located at the Waterfront in North Bay, is very familiar with shad flies.

Restaurant owner Stephen Bitoni told CTV News his staff gets trained for shad fly season.

“My brother is in there every morning at 7 a.m. during shad fly season power washing them off the walls, off the surfaces and then the staff comes in and wipes everything down,” said Bitoni.

“It’s something that we have down pat. Tables have to get wiped down and cleaned, windows have to get wiped down and ready to go, etc., etc.”

One business owner in the downtown said shad flies are iconic in North Bay.

Katie Bevan owns a shop called The Farm where shad fly pins are sold.

“It’s just one of those things we kind of wanted to memorialize,” said Bevan. “If you’ve been to North Bay you’re going to want a shad fly pin.”

“Usually you find out if they love them or hate them, but usually it’s people buying the pin for someone who hates them,” she added.

Help keep lakes healthy

The flies have quite the smell and can cause quite annoying. But Tourism North Bay is reminding people shad flies mean the lakes in the area are healthy.

“They keep the lake vital and healthy,” said Steve Dreany from Tourism North Bay.

“Fishing is an important part of our tourism and for the local culture, as well. Everyone loves to go down to the government dock or Callander Bay and cast a line and catch some fish so it is very, very good for us.”

The shad flies are most commonly found in the city’s downtown, but this year they’re being spotted in many areas of town.