Although a deal with the City of Timmins could not be reached after a day of mediation, the 19 Timmins airport workers did not walk off the job at 6 pm Monday evening as they were previously threatening.

“Throughout this process, all we’ve wanted was to get back to the bargaining table,” Martin Mika, Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) regional vice-president for Ontario said via a press release. “Since we’re finally making some progress, we want to keep the conversation going until we reach a deal.”

The workers include maintenance and airfield technicians, mechanics, electricians, and some administrative personnel. They are represented by the UCTE, a union within the Public Service Alliance of Canada.

They have not had a contract since December 31, 2016.

Both sides were ordered back to the bargaining table on March 4 by a mediator.

Meanwhile, the City of Timmins released a statement Monday evening expressing disappointment that negotiations have not been successful.

“PSAC has made claims about the cost of work clothing and premium pay eroding the wage offer of the City,” reads the statement from City Hall. “Even after addressing those items in mediation, the PSAC has now decided to ask for a 12.8% wage increase."

“This salary request is far beyond any settlements the City has had with its other unions and is well in excess of any reasonable cost of living increases.”

The City of Timmins has maintained throughout the process that plans are in place to ensure no significant disruptions occur in the event of a strike, however, they are warning travelers to account for potential delays if a picket line is in place.

Representatives from the union say they plan to meet again in the coming.