Sudbury firefighters along with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry are working on a brush fire that began burning Monday afternoon off of MR 80 behind Tracks and Wheels.

A CTV viewer sent a video of a water bomber dropping a load on the smoky fire.

Platoon Chief Andre Groulx from Greater Sudbury Fire Serices says it’s about 4-hectares in size and is moving north, but says no homes or buildings are threatened.

Other than that, the MNRF says fire activity has been relatively quiet over the past couple of days, but it is expected to become more active for the first part of this week.

The northern sections of the region are starting to see an increase in lightning-caused fires.

There are now 53 active forest fires across the northeast, of these, 22 are not yet under control.  

The ministry reports good progress on the Temagami fire and crews are still busy with the River Valley fires.

New fire crews arrived from British Columbia and Minnesota Monday to add to the firefighting force.