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Sudbury teacher charged with more sex offences involving students


Greater Sudbury police say a 56-year-old teacher charged in June with sexual assault is in more legal trouble.

The suspect, who taught at St. Charles College, has been charged with five more counts each of sexual assault and sexual interference, bringing the total to seven charges on each count.

He was arrested on the new charges Aug. 25, police said in a news release Friday "in relation to additional complaints of inappropriate behaviour and touching involving students under the age of 16."

"Due to the sensitive nature of the incident and in order to protect the survivors’ identities, no further details will be provided," the release said.

The accused appeared in bail court on Aug. 25 to answer to the charges.

"Based on the investigation, there are concerns that there may be other survivors" police said.

Shortly after the new charges were announced, Sudbury police said a 40-year-old former adminstrator at the school has been charged with criminal negligence for not acting on complaints from students about the teacher.

Anyone who has experienced sexual assault can call 911 the case of an emergency, if you are in danger or need medical assistance, if the incident just took place or the person responsible is near.

To make a report after the fact and you do not believe that you require immediate assistance, call police at 705-675-9171 or report it online under the 'reporting' heading there is a page dedicated to sexual assault reporting with additional information, including a sexual assault survivors guide. Top Stories

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