SUDBURY – A unique business called Pharmacy and Culinaria has opened up its doors in Sudbury.

The store is located at 815 Lorne Street.

Rachelle Rocha and Laurie Pennell are owners of the pharmacy, and they say choosing the name of the store was easy.

"We want people to think about what season are we in and what is the bounty of our land during this time," said Rocha.

Both Rocha and Pennell have been pharmacists for over 20 years.

Their new store not only supplies medication, but also fresh local food.

"I've watched a lot of medications go out for a lot of chronic illnesses and when we give those medicines we tell people if you ate differently and moved your body more you might feel better. And then they have to walk out and try to figure it all out on the own. So we thought, if we put in the front shop of this pharmacy… the tools, the education, the inspiration, maybe some ingredients, that maybe we could open up that conversation," said Rocha.

Both Rocha and Pennell say they're hoping to connect more people with farmers because they say it's not always easy finding them in your area.

"Every city has an agricultural ring supporting it and not everybody knows who those farmers are and how they can get access to that so this is not a grocery store, but we're an introduction to where you can get good local food. We're an introduction to what are the skills you need at home… we're an introduction to what tools you might need," explained Rocha.

"A lot of research has been put into the cancers, metabolic health and diabetes and those sorts of diseases… and so understanding where the food comes from, how its grown, what goes into it, will impact your health," added Pennell.

The co-owners of Seasons Pharmacy hope that their concept will catch on with people and they say they're also hoping to start offering healthy cooking classes in November.