NORTH BAY – North Bay City Council has agreed to buy a piece of land on Lakeshore Drive beside the Steve Omischl Sports Complex.
It was a unanimous decision by council and will expand the development in the area of the complex, which already includes the construction of a new hockey arena and community centre.
"There's a risk to it. Will it make money? Lose money? But the sense is that it's such an appropriate investment for the city," said Chris Mayne, City Councillor.
The land is 80 acres, already serviced with utilities from Lakeshore Drive and cost the city a total of $300,000.
Mayne says a portion of the land is ready for development but building affordable housing comes with problems of its own.
"The challenge with affordable housing or seniors housing is who's paying that cause? Is it out of market rent? Or is it a subsidized rent? This year, we're already paying increased fees to DNSSAB to increase our inventory of affordable housing," said Mayne.
Meanwhile, fellow councillor Mark King sees the land as a perfect spot to set up commercial development for users of the Steve Omischl Sports Complex.
King says that he sees a "commercial opportunity down the road. Not only that, there could be some residential development on the front side of the property."
He says that both residential and commercial development could fit in the space.
"The property extends right back to the Lavase River, which from the Omischl perspective, certainly lends itself to a tremendous recreational area."
City staff will prepare a report, then Council will discuss how to best use the property.