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Med school union worried about province's new university bill

Sudbury -

One of the main unions at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) says it has concerns about the province's plan to make the school a university.

According to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty and Staff Association, it has to do with the way the legislation is currently written.

Faculty president Dr. Brian Ross said by reporting to a board of governors, it would fundamentally undermine the senate's "power to determine and regulate the educational policy of the university."

"At Laurentian University, the senate does not have to get approval for its decisions from the board except in the cases where it's going to spend money," Ross said.

"All we're asking for is not board approval for everything but just to say it'll need board approval if it has a financial cost."

Ross said public universities in Canada have bicameral governance between a senate and board of governors and they're asking for the same for NOSM.

"The flawed governance model described in the government's draft regulations would have troublesome implications for the reputation of the university, the accreditation of the medical programs we offer and the future of medical education in northern Ontario," he said.

NOSM is expecting the legislation making it an independent university will be enacted in the coming weeks.

It issued a statement in response to the news release telling CTV:

"NOSM supports freedom of opinion and the Ontario government's consultation process related to the NOSM University Act, 2021. We are pleased with the regulation summary document and look forward to the NOSM University Act coming into force pending proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor." Top Stories

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