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'Warm Hearts' look to warm Sudbury's homeless


Sudbury’s Northern Initiative for Social Action or NISA has supplied more than 50 homemade quilts to be distributed to the homeless population in Greater Sudbury.

NISA presented the blankets to the Go-Give Project last week.

The Go-Give Project provides outreach services to the city’s vulnerable population during the evening hours.

The project’s volunteers will hand out the quilts to some of the over 70 people they help each night – who are either sleeping outside or in encampments.

Each quilt was made by members of NISA’s Warm Hearts Program and took several weeks to make.

“The members, they put a lot of hard work and love into these blankets,” said NISA’s program coordinator Hughie Jeanveau.

“It means a lot to them that they’re going to people that really, really need them.”

Shannon Macdonald is the lead outreach coordinator for the Go-Give Project and she told CTV News that her team comes across many people living outside, without access to shelter, who are not prepared for a cold night.

“People are outside in just their clothes sometimes,” she said.

“People don’t have boots, they don’t have mitts and the temperatures are dropping.”

Officials with the project said their clients will be grateful to have a quilt and will keep the blankets with them throughout the winter. Top Stories

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