SUDBURY -- Madeline Lemieux and Monique Thiverge, both of Sudbury, have won $362,825 in the January 50/50 draw at Health Sciences North.

“We’re just so excited," Lemieux said in a news release. "When I got the call … this morning, I was at work just pacing. I thought I had won an early-bird prize, so hearing that we won the jackpot came as a total shock.”

“I was off work today, so Madeline called me and asked if I was sitting down when she gave me the amazing news – and I’m glad she did," Thiverge said. "It’s such an incredible start to 2021.”

When asked how they plan to spend their winnings, Lemieux said she is planning to pay off some expenses related to a recent move and Thiverge said she is going to put her portion towards an earlier retirement.

“It was so exciting to talk to Madeline and Monique earlier today -- what an incredible way for them to start the New Year,” said Anthony Keating, president and chief development officer of foundations and volunteer groups at HSN.

“Their winnings will definitely be life-changing and the portion back to HSN will help make life-saving purchases. The HSN 50/50 is a great way to support healthcare in northeastern Ontario, while giving yourself a chance to win big."

The February draw, live now at, includes a feature called 'Win More Wednesdays.' Every Wednesday through February, early ticket purchasers are entered to win an early bird prize in addition to the grand prize jackpot.

Any tickets purchased before 11:59 p.m. the day before the early bird draws will be included in that day’s draw. So to be included in the Feb. 10 draw, you must have purchased your ticket before February 9t at 11:59 p.m., the release said

The jackpot is updated online in real-time and grows as more people participate. Each month, half of the total ticket sales support patient care at HSN and the other half to the lucky winner.

Residents across Ontario over the age of 18 can purchase tickets for a chance to win. Tickets for the February draw are available to purchase right now, with sales ending at 11:59 p.m. on March 1. The winning ticket will be drawn March 2 at 10 a.m. and posted online at