The Greater Sudbury Police Service is honouring two fallen officers and has renamed its fitness facility, the Joe MacDonald and Rick McDonald Fitness & Wellness Centre.

Constable Joe MacDonald was conducting a traffic stop on Gordon Street in New Sudbury back on October 7, 1993 when he was beaten and shot to death.

Sergeant Rick McDonald was fatally injured by a stolen van that was fleeing police July 28, 1999. He was deploying a spike belt when he was struck.

In 2018, the police fitness facility underwent a complete renovation with support from the Sudbury Police Association and new equipment was purchased in order to better suit the physical fitness needs of the personnel.

The fitness facility is open to police department staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in order to accommodate the various shifts and schedules.

Greater Sudbury Police Chief Paul Pedersen says the honour is fitting because throughout their lives, both Rick and Joe were committed to sports and athletics. He says the two officers were 'giants' in the field and the service wants that leadership to live on.   

Greater Sudbury Police Service gym

Greater Sudbury Police Service gym

Greater Sudbury Police Service gym