Nipissing University in North Bay is growing at a much higher rate than schools across the province.

Hundreds of students make up the class of 2017 at this year's convocation, and it's believed the incoming class of 2021 will be significantly larger.

"We saw that there were a number of students that had applied to us and we expect a certain number of them to confirm their attendance, and so our numbers are up for confirmed attendance and that's always a really positive sign at this time of year,” explained Mike Degagne, Nipissing University president.

Nipissing's growth checks in at 7.6%, while the provincial average is at around 1%, according to a recent study.

While the university is encouraged, its president said it's the school's smaller size which makes it more attractive to prospective students.

“The realistic goal is to maintain the size in numbers we have at this institution,” said Degagne.

“We have no aspirations to be twice our size. We like this size, we think that students have responded really well to it, the small class sizes and certainly the community feel."

Mackenzie Little is a fourth year physical education major from Toronto, who is enjoying her time in North Bay, and Little said she may be calling it home even after she gets her degree

"110%,” said Little.

“I love it now and I am from a big city so it was a big change, but I’m glad I picked Nipissing."

"I’ve made a lot of connections in and around the area so it's a very smart for me to stay in the north where I already have those opportunities,” added Lauren McLare, a Nipissing University student

Degagne said students of the university also contribute to the local economy and he added a study is currently underway to better understand the economic impact  the school has on the city and surrounding area.