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COVID-19 outbreak declared at long-term care home in Elliot Lake


A COVID-19 outbreak was declared by Algoma Public Health at St. Joseph’s Manor, in Elliot Lake, St. Joseph’s General Hospital Elliot Lake (SJGHEL) said in a news release Saturday.

The long-term care home is now closed to visitors; with the exception of essential care partners or direct family members of palliative residents.

“Existing visitation protocols remain in effect at our acute care hospital,” said Jeremy Stevenson, SJGHEL’s chief executive officer, in the news release.

To minimize the risk, SJGHEL suggests handwashing, use of hand sanitizer, social distancing and respiratory etiquette, staying up-to-date on vaccinations, keeping indoor spaces well ventilated and if not feeling well; self-isolate at home and rest or contact your primary health care provider.

For more information on infectious disease, visit the Ontario Public Health’s website.

SJGHEL will update information on the St. Joseph’s Manor outbreak as our information changes or more information becomes available. Top Stories

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