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Privately-funded film studio in Sudbury will generate $60M in annual revenue: report


Out of the ashes of the controversial Kingsway Entertainment District, funding is already in place to build a new $40 million film studio on the same piece of land in Greater Sudbury.

A report headed to city council Dec. 13 said private investors have committed $17 million for the construction of the 116,000-square-foot Freshwater Production Studio on The Kingsway, pending municipal support.

“The developer has committed land valued at $2.4 million in addition to design and construction services,” the report said.

“The balance of financing is secured through a bank loan.”

Plans for the studio were publicized in August, when officials outlined their plans to the previous city council.

The direction at the time was for staff to return with a report outlining what other cities have offered film studios, and what role Greater Sudbury could play.

Ontario's film and TV industry contributed a record $2.88 billion to Ontario's economy in 2021, creating 48,135 high-value full-time equivalent direct and spin-off jobs.

“This represents an increase of 92 per cent over the previous year,” the report said, adding that a recovery from COVID-19 is at least partially responsible for the spike in activity.

“Prior to the pandemic there was a steady increase in production impact with $2.16 billion in direct spending in 2019 creating 44,540 jobs.”

Greater Sudbury has become a major production centre, with the city attracting 165 film and TV projects in the last 10 years, with a total local direct impact of more than $216 million.

Options for the city to support the project include under community improvement plans, which offer tax rebates once the project is completed.

The city could also share in the cost of road improvements in the area that will be required to access the site, as well as reduction in development charges.

The studio is looking for the equivalent of $7 million of support from the city through a combination of programs.

Read the full report here. Top Stories

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