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Humboldt Broncos bus crash survivor in Timmins to share his healing journey


A survivor of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash was guest speaker at a 'Bell Let's Talk' sponsored event in Timmins on Tuesday.

Tyler Smith talked a little bit about that day -- April 6, 2018 -- but mostly he talked about how he's come to learn that everyone has a story of grief and struggle and that it's important to create space to listen to each other.

Smith said he never thought guest speaking would become such a big part of his life, but he said it is an important part of his healing journey.

“I’m open to having these conversations because I’m open to learning new things about a space that I’m not educated in,” Smith said.

“I think there are so many layers and so much involved in mental health and for me it always comes back to the three main things of: perspective, conversation and relationships.”

As a former junior hockey player, Smith said he's learned that mental health is just as important as physical health.

"I want people to acknowledge and listen and understand that your people around you are constantly dealing with something and are constantly going through, you know, possibly tough times,” he said.

“You just never know ... when someone needs to see something, or hear something.”

The full house in attendance for his talk listened to Smith intently. One luncheon attendee, Lisa Tremblay, said it's OK not to be OK.

"Vulnerability, definitely one of the things that resonated with me and just affirms the importance of putting our egos aside, putting that front aside and allowing us to actually rather grieve or go through the emotions of what's going on in our lives," Tremblay said.

After Smith speaks, he makes himself available for photos, autographs and to listen to anyone who needs to share their own story with him. Top Stories


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