The hockey community came together in Sudbury Tuesday night in support of a young, local player who was recently diagnosed with leukemia.

Teams, coaches, and parents were able to raise over $6,000 for Carter Carré.

The 7-year-old was able to make it to the event with his parents, despite having started treatment.

As part of the fundraising effort for Carter and his family, 10-year-old Liam Judd cut his hair to be donated to an organization that makes wigs for children with cancer.

Sheena Mantysaari is Judd’s mother.  

“We heard about Carter and thought that it was the perfect time for Liam to finally cut his locks, and we couldn’t think of a more special or deserving family. They both play for the Copper Cliff Redmen, so they're very near and dear to our heart. And what's even more special is that they're both number 14. This whole experience has been truly overwhelming. The generosity and support from the hockey community is something to be very, very proud of.” said Mantysaari.

Fundraising started earlier this month, and organizers say through the support of local teams, they were able to exceed their goal.