
Newly elected Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald is the first female in the role at the Chiefs of Ontario level.

Glen Hare recently was elected as Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief. 

"That gives us a good picture of where our governance is going in our communities. There are more female leaders in our communities and that’s so awesome to see. We’re getting more balance, and there are lots of new ideas at the table.” said Hare.


Nipissing First Nation, outside North Bay, is the site of this year's All Ontario Chiefs Conference.

The 44th annual event will see the election of the province's regional chief, which is scheduled to take place Wednesday.

June 26 - 28, several issues will be discussed, including:  funding for mental wellness, sexual violence and exploitation, and prescription drug abuse.

Former Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee will also be honoured.

There's a new Regional Ontario Chief for First Nations in the province as of Wednesday morning. 

Her name is Roseanne Archibald, a member of the Tagwa Tagamou Nation, outside of Cochrane.  

She's also been the Deputy Grand Chief of Nishnawbe-Aski Nation and has over 25 years experience in First Nations politics.

The election took place Wednesday morning during the 44th annual Ontario Chiefs Conference being held near North Bay at Nipissing First Nation.

Incumbent Isadore Day from Serpent River First Nation has been the Ontario Regional Chief for two terms, but was unsuccessful in his bid for re-election.