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Heat warning issued for parts of Algoma region, Chapleau

Parts of the Algoma district including Agawa, Lake Superior, and communities in the Chapleau area around Gogama, and Missinaibi Lake will experience extreme heat throughout the weekend and into Monday. July 2/2021 (Environment Canada) Parts of the Algoma district including Agawa, Lake Superior, and communities in the Chapleau area around Gogama, and Missinaibi Lake will experience extreme heat throughout the weekend and into Monday. July 2/2021 (Environment Canada)

Environment Canada has issued a heat warnings for parts of the northeast that will see the same heat dome responsible for several hundred deaths and forest fires across British Columbia.

Parts of the Algoma district including Agawa, Lake Superior, and surrounding areas will experience extreme heat throughout the weekend and into Monday.

“Daytime highs will climb into the low- to mid-thirties. Overnight lows will be in the upper teens, providing little relief from the heat. Humidex values near 40 are expected on the weekend,” read the alert issued by Environment Canada.

“Hot and humid air can also bring deteriorating air quality and can cause the Air Quality Health Index to approach the high risk category.”

Communities in the Chapleau area including those around Gogama, and Missinaibi Lake, are also advised of adverse weather conditions and prolonged periods of extreme heat.

Public Health Sudbury and Districts (PHSD) issued a press release advising residents in the area that extreme heat warning would be in effect starting tomorrow with hot and humid weather remaining for the next few days.

 “Although some individuals are at higher risk, anyone can suffer from heat-related illnesses,” said Burgess Hawkins, a manager with the PHSD Health Protection Division in the release.

“Everyone should take precautions.”

‘Heat warnings are issued by Environment and Climate Change Canada when the forecast rises for two days to 29 degrees Celsius or above during the day and 18 degrees Celsius or above at night, or the humidex is 36 or above.’ Top Stories

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