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The northeast was well represented at Northern Ontario Tourism Awards Summit


A Goulais, Ont. based tour agency was among eight award winners at the annual Northern Ontario Tourism Awards Summit this week.

Forest the Canoe was the recipient of the Investment Attraction award.

The business, started just two years ago, offers canoeing, camping, and snowshoeing, among a variety of other outdoor activities.

Co-owner Ryan Walker told CTV News their new adventure bus, which was used to transport people from Sault Ste. Marie, to those activities, was the reason for their win.

Walker said the award will serve as motivation to expand their work, even if they don't do it with praise in mind.

“The formula we have is not making it a goal, but really focusing on the services we provide, and providing great outdoor adventures in our region,” added Walker.

“And I think if we do that to make the best of our ability, we can count on getting nominated for a couple more awards in the future. I think that’s awesome incentive to keep working hard.”

The northeast was well represented at the summit and gala, held in Thunder Bay.

Betty McGie from Wawa was named Tourism Champion.

Killarney Mountain Lodge received the Tourism Innovator of the Year award.

Dave MacLachlan, the executive director for Destination Northern Ontario, said the summit is being held in-person once again and is bringing together hundreds of like-minded people for more than just the benefit of handing out awards.

“It gives some recognition to those who are excelling. But it’s really a way to perhaps encourage others to do the same,” he said.

MacLachlan added he is already excited for next year's event, as it will be held in Sault Ste. Marie.

For more information on the summit and other events, visit the Destination Northern Ontario’s Facebook page. Top Stories

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