SUDBURY -- The Timmins Police Service is issuing a traffic advisory following a recent spate of complaints about all terrain vehicles and other off-road vehicles being used on city streets, which is illegal.

"Areas of concern that have been identified to Timmins police centre on the Connaught Hill area of South Porcupine and area falling within Mountjoy Township," police said in a news release Wednesday.

ATVs are prohibited from being operated on any city street, and violating the rules can mean fines and other measures, including having the ATV removed at the owner’s expense.

"These incidents are occurring frequently," the release said.

ATV drivers are reminded they have to comply with restrictions and legal obligations set out in the Off Road Vehicles Act. Those include being aware of their surroundings at all times, only using the vehicle in permitted areas, and operating them "prudently and responsibly at all times."

"Any and all violations committed by ATV operators are viewed as actions that place the safety of the operator and the general public in jeopardy," the release said. "An increased police presence in areas identified to the Timmins police has been undertaken."

Violators will be met with strict enforcement measures by police, the release said.

"Significant fines, court appearances and, in some cases, suspension of driver’s licences can result from unethical operation of these vehicles," police said.