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Raising a flag and awareness about elder abuse


Elder Abuse Awareness Day is Saturday. On Wednesday morning in Sudbury, there was a proclamation recognizing the day and a flag raising at city hall.

“It’s not just the conditions that they are living in. It could be family that is abusing their families,” said Barb Nott, chair of the older adult advisory panel.

Deputy Mayor Joscelyne Landry-Altmann was on hand to officially proclaim June 15 as Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

“To me it’s incomprehensible and it’s unacceptable of course,” Landry-Altmann said.

“So I guess that is part of the flag raising is just to raise the awareness that you are not alone.”

Greater Sudbury Police said forms of criminality linked to elder abuse are taken very seriously and investigated.

“If there is an assault, if someone is being pushed, threatened, coerced into signing documents or anything like that, that becomes a criminal offence and in those instances certainly police should be contacted,” said Lise Landry, Greater Sudbury Police senior liaison.

Leuschen Transportation was recognized for its cooperative effort with local grocery stores to bus older adults for free from various seniors residences to get their essentials.

“Bringing seniors to get their groceries and allowing them that safety and conscientious mind to get to and from the grocery store in an effective way,” said Stephane Grenier, Leuschen Transportation public relations co-ordinator.

Organizers of the flag raising and proclamation said they hope it fosters a better understanding of elder abuse and neglect and of the respect and dignity older adults deserve. Top Stories

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