NORTH BAY -- While many companies have faced cutbacks in the last few months, North Bay firm MetricAid has continued to grow.

The company provides full-time scheduling for physicians across Canada, something that helps free up doctors to focus on their patients, especially during COVID-19.

"Most of the time were able to build a really good schedule that fits more of the physician needs in the hospital," said Eric Bourdon, who was hired during the pandemic to help meet the demand.

Bourdon is not the only new member of the team. MetricAid hired several new members once the pandemic started, said CEO Les Blackwell.

"We've added four or give schedulers," Blackwell said. "We've had to diversify our service delivery team. We had to put some people into some management positions to help with growth. We brought in some extra developers."

On Wednesday the company received $149,200 from the province's $50 million Ontario Together Fund.

Vic Fedeli, Nipissing MPP and Minster of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, said this is the first business in Northern Ontario to receive money from the fund.

'Right at the top'

"In the case of MetricAid, this was one of a kind, this one stood right at the top because they provided a software solution," said Fedeli. "They have a unique product and they just have the expertise. They're a company that can -- and they'll tell you -- they deal worldwide because it's the quality of the team, the quality of the work, the quality of the product they put out."

Blackwell said the funds will allow the company to bridge the gap between completing its work and actually getting paid, a big issue for smaller firms.

"In the sector we're in, selling to health care, these are all really long processes but the need was immediate, but we knew there was going to be a long time before we saw any money for our work," he said.

On top of hiring new employees in the last several months, the company is also looking at ways to expand.

"Since MetricAid has grown, there has been a lot of demand for a mobile app, as where right now they just have the web app," said mobile app developer Renee Nesseth. "So I am taking the existing application and turning it into a mobile version so physicians can access it from their phones."

The new mobile app is expected to be launched in the new year.