An avid Northern Ontario canoeist is carving a 100-foot paddle, trying to set a world record.

And, he is hoping it'll help Killarney, southwest of Sudbury, be recognized as the *paddle capital of Canada.*

Mike Ranta takes special care to every detail on the project he calls "the big dipper."

The huge paddle will measure over 100 feet.

“We want to build the world's biggest paddle so we do have the Guiness world records involved on this, we got it registered,  so once the project is complete we will get an adjudicator down here to measure it, “ said Ranta.

Ranta is an avid canoeist and has paddled Canada coast to coast twice

“ I have always loved canoeing, I think the canoe is a great way to get physical and mental exercise, it’s a beautiful way to see our country, it's not forgotten you know, we still got a lot of great canoers out there, “ said Ranta.

He says the giant paddle is to honour veterans.

"It's a great way for physical and mental fitness, and it's a great way to get back in nature, that fresh air, the sunshine, even though it's raining sometimes, it's good to get washed by mother nature," said Ranta.

The paddle will be displayed at "Canada House"--  a  34-thousand square foot area  at the Killarney mountain lodge.

Ranta hopes to complete "the big dipper" by 2020, and hopes it helps put Killarney on the map as a premier paddling destination.