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Food drive in Timmins helps bridge the gap in donations from summer to fall


The Annual Timmins Firefighter’s food drive will take place Sunday from noon to 4 p.m.

Those who operate the Timmins Food Bank said it’s happening at the perfect time, since people are in vacation mode and donations are down.

The firefighter’s food drive will help bridge the gap in donations from summer to fall.

“We run every station throughout the city from Connaught all the way to Mount Joy-- are all involved and every once in a while the sirens just let people know we're in the neighborhood,” said Deputy Fire Chief Scott Atkinson.

“We have a lot of volunteers that'll be walking behind and we just go door-to-door … people come out with food and put it in pickup truck.”

Timmins Food Bank officials said usage continues to climb because of high grocery prices.

“I tell you, our whole group is excited about this fireman's food drive,” said Rick Young, president of the Timmins Food Bank.

“We've been doing this since 2006 and I'll tell you, without the fireman's food drive, we'd be in trouble some years.”

Officials said the top 10 items food bank users need are: instant coffee, canned tomatoes, canned meats, jam, peanut butter, crackers, canned fruit, toilet paper, canned vegetables and canned brown beans.

Cash donations will also be accepted. Top Stories

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