SUDBURY -- Vaccinations of people ages 75 and older are expected to begin next week, Public Health Sudbury & Districts said in a news release Tuesday.

There has been some confusion about when vaccinations would expand beyond people ages 80 and older. The province announced last week those 75 and older were eligible, but none of the health units in northeastern Ontario have received enough vaccines to expand their program.

That has led to frustration and numerous calls to the health units from people in the age group trying to book appointments.

In the release, Public Health said eligibility will expand in five-year increments, starting with people ages 75 as part of the Phase 2 rollout. The goal is to immunize people 60 and older gradually, as more vaccines become available between April and June.

“In the early stages of Phase 2, for example, we will be offering vaccines to older adults between the ages of 75 to 79 as well as individuals who have certain health conditions and individuals who live in high-risk settings," Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, medical officer of health, said in the release.

"In the coming days, we will also transition from our current local booking system to the provincial vaccine appointment system. Our local system allows us more flexibility, so we want to make sure the provincial tool meets our needs before we switch over.

“Clinics are scheduled for next week and the details to book appointments for those eligible will be communicated broadly in the coming days.”

And a day after a retired physician said the area wasn't receiving its fair share of vaccines, Sudbury's health unit said more people have received their shot than the provincial average.

"As a proportion of the population, Public Health has immunized just over 12 per cent of its population," the health unit said. "The comparable figure is 11.5 per cent for the province. The provincial allocation plan is to provide public health units with similar numbers of doses based on the population."

As of Monday, a total of 23 210 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered locally; 21,388 people received their first dose, and 1,822 people have been fully vaccinated.

"Public Health thanks everyone for their patience as the Phase 2 clinics and booking system details are finalized and communicated," the release said. "Only those currently eligible for vaccination should call the appointment booking line to avoid overwhelming the lines. Call volumes are high and Public Health is focused on ensuring eligible individuals can access an appointment."

The Ontario Ministry of Health recently published details of who is eligible to receive the vaccine as part of the Phase 2 rollout from April to June. They include:

- Older adults (60 to 79): starting with those aged 75 to 79 and decreasing in five-year age increments, beginning next week.

- People with health conditions and certain caregivers: starting with those at highest risk, then those at high risk, followed by people who are at risk due to health conditions.

- Residents, essential caregivers, and staff of high-risk congregate living settings (vaccination timing from April to May).

- Those living in hot spot communities, beginning with older adults and decreasing in (vaccination timing from April to May).

Those in the secondary priority groups in Phase 2 include:

- Remaining individuals with at-risk health conditions.

- Essential workers who cannot work from home, beginning with those in the first group, followed by those in the second group (vaccinations in June).

As of right now, adults born in 1941 or earlier, or adults who receive chronic home care services, who have not yet been vaccinated, can now call and book COVID-19 vaccination appointments without pre-registering. To book an appointment, call 705-674-2299 (toll-free 1-800-708-2505). The call centre is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week.

All healthcare workers are encouraged to pre-register for their vaccination appointment. 

Healthcare workers classified as highest priority, very high priority, and high priority are eligible for appointments this week. Moderate priority health care workers will be eligible next week, but should pre-register this week.

For more information or if you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, visit or call Public Health Sudbury & Districts at 705-522-9200, toll-free 1-866-522-9200.