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Ontario sends 100 Fire Rangers to fight B.C. wildfires


Responding to a call for help from B.C., Ontario sent 100 fire rangers Monday to help battle hundreds of out-of-control wildfires burning on the West Coast.

Ontario Fire Rangers walk across tarmac to plane to B.C. July 22, 2024 (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry)

There are 430 active wildfires in B.C. and 264 are burning out of control as of Tuesday at 1 p.m.

Here in northern Ontario, there are currently 18 active fires.

All are located in the Far North and are "being observed," except for one, which is classified as under control.

Evan Lizotte, a spokesperson for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, told that despite the large deployment, there are still plenty of fire rangers here if they are needed.

Two agency representatives accompanied the fire rangers to B.C.

They all flew out of Sudbury and Dryden.

Ontario Fire Rangers board plane to B.C. to help fight out of control wildfires. July 22, 2024 (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry)

The Ontario crew is expected to spend two weeks in B.C., but could spend up to 19 days, Lizotte said.

Since March 12, 156 wildfires have been extinguished in Ontario. Top Stories

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