
Clean up at Science North is progressing well and repairs to the leak are ongoing.

Science North has reached out to those registered for the PA day camp for Nov 17th to advise of plans and where the program will be delivered.

Science North, which includes the planetarium, escape room, Elements, Whizards gift shop, science centre and IMAX theatre, will not be open to the public on Friday November 17th as work continues on repairs.

Science North is working on plans to be ready for scheduled weekend events including Nightlife on the Rocks and the Festival of Lights.


Science North in Sudbury has been closed on Thursday morning.

A water main broke last night at Science North causing flooding and water damage.

Water to the building has been turned off for repairs.

Science North, the planetarium, escape room, Elements, Whizards gift shop, science centre and IMAX theatre, will be closed until further notice.

Clean up crews and staffs are on hand to ensure that Science North reopens as soon as possible.